'Dragon Pearl'.
Oil painting on canvas.
Size: 50x50 cm.
The Dragon Pearl in oriental culture is an attribute of every dragon, who is also its guardian, usually holding it under his chin.
A symbol of spiritual perfection and a powerful amulet of luck. It multiplies everything it touches.
It contains the great wisdom of the dragon, which is why it is often called the 'Pearl of Knowledge'.
When dew covers the pearl the dragon licks it off thus gaining strength, it is nutritious and has the gift of making people happy.
It embodies greatness, wisdom and immortality, and the dragon, as a mythical being who was born in the time of chaos, before man appeared on earth, is power, goodness and wisdom, brings happiness and health, guards every home, ensures success in private life and business, protects also in love life.
Carl Jung would call the dragon a symbol of the universal unconscious.
I wish everyone what the pearl can offer. Maybe right now.
Thank you!